Rod embarked on an 18-month odyssey during the early 1990's, to capture the essence of Covent Garden's street entertainers. Regularly visiting at least once a month, he forged relationships with the performers, capturing their artistry in live settings through his lens. He would later share these photographs with them during subsequent visits before retreating to his studio in an attempt to immortalize their spirit on canvas.
Clown painter with boy , 1991Acrylic on Board12 x 16 inches - Board
18.5 x 20.5 - Gold frame, under glass
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Clown with Balloon, 1991Acrylic on Board12 x 16 inches - Board
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Clown with Sausages, 1991Acrylic on Board16 x 12 inches - Board
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The Storyteller, 1991Acrylic on Board12 x 16 inches - Board
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Balloons for sale, 1990Acrylic on Board12 x 16 inches - Board
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Clown painter with Girl, 1990Acrylic on Board10 x 14 inches - Board
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Clown painter with girl - 2, 1990Acrylic on Board12 x 16 inches - Board
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One Man Band, 1990Acrylic on Board12 x 16 inches - Board
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